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Lecture 10, Thu 08/02

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointer Arithmetic

// Recall
// void printArray(int* values, int size) { // can use a pointer
void printArray(int values[], int size) {
	// Note: size is passed in since we won’t know how to get the size with
	// just the array variable.

	cout << values << endl; // prints memory location of start of values[]

	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		cout << "values[" << i << "] = " << values[i] << endl;
		cout << "&values[" << i << "] = " << &values[i] << endl;
		// Note: The address values are 4 bytes away since int is 4 bytes

int main() {
	int values[3] = { 5, 10, 15 };
	printArray(values, 3);
	return 0;


int main() {
	int arr[5] = {0,1,2,3,4};
	int* x = arr;

	cout << arr << endl;
	cout << x << endl;

	cout << x + 1 << endl; // address is incremented by 1*sizeof(int)
	cout << x + 2 << endl; // address is incremented by 2*sizeof(int)
	cout << x + 3 << endl; // address is incremented by 3*sizeof(int)

	cout << *(x + 2) << endl;	// equivalent to x[2] or arr[2]
	cout << &(*(x + 2)) << endl;  // equivalent to x + 2
	return 0;


elementAddress = startOfArrayAddress + (i * (size of type pointer is pointing to))

Array Elements

Example - trace the code

int arr[] = {10,15,20};
int* x;
x = arr;
cout << x + 1 << endl; // Address of arr[1]
cout << *x + 1 << endl; // 11

Example - using [ ] and pointer arithmetic

void initializeArray(int* values, int size, int initialValue) {
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		values[i] = initialValue;
		cout << values[i] << “ “;
	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		*(values + i) = initialValue;
		cout << *(values + i) << " ";

Segmentation Faults

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
	*(values + i) = initialValue;

Another Example - passing pointers by value / reference

void incrementPointer(int* p) {

int main() {
	int arr[] = {10,20,30};
	int* x = arr;


	cout << *x << endl; // 10
	return 0;

Pointer Pass By Value

void incrementPointer(int*& p) {

Pointer Pass By Reference

* We can pass a pointer to a pointer.
void incrementPointer(int** p) {
	*p = *p + 1;	// need to modify the original pointer’s address

int main() {
	int arr[] = {1,2,3};
	int* x = arr;

	incrementPointer(&x); 	// since a pointer to a pointer expects the address of
				// a pointer to an int. 
	cout << *x << endl;
	return 0;

Pointer to Pointer