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Lecture 11, Tue 08/07

C++ Memory Model, Dynamic Memory

Dynamic Memory Management


“new” operator


int* p = new int(10);	// allocate an int on the heap and point p to it
*p = 2;			// sets the int value to 2 (without address change)
int& q = *p;		// q refers to the value that p points to
q = 4;			// change int value to 4

cout << *p << endl;	// prints 4

int* r = &q;		// make r point to the address that q refers to
*r = 6;			// change int value that r points to to 6

cout << *p << endl;	// prints 6
cout << q << endl;	// prints 6
cout << *r << endl;	// prints 6

new example

“delete” operator

Example of memory leaks

void g(int x) {
	int* p = new int(x);	// memory leak!
	delete p;		// remove this and see application size grow!

int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)

Dangling Pointers

Dangling Pointers Example

int g(int x) {
	double* p = new double(x);
	delete p;	// delete value from the heap
	return *p; 	// p is a dangling pointer since heap contents were removed!
			// Results in undefined behavior. Shouldn’t do this!

Dynamically allocating arrays

int* arr = new int[10];	// create an array of 10 integers on the heap
delete [] arr;		// removes the array from the heap. Note the [] syntax for deleting arrays from the heap.
int x;
cout << "Enter a positive number: ";
cin >> x;
// int intArray[x]; // ERROR IN VisualStudio, NOT g++ / clang++
int* intArray = new int[x]; // LEGAL IN BOTH
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
	intArray[i] = i;
	cout << intArray[i] << endl;

// Note: to delete an array on the heap, use delete [] intArray;
delete [] intArray;