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Lecture 13, Thu 08/16
- As mentioned earlier this quarter, we can think of strings as an array of characters.
- This is also how the C programming languages represent strings.
- C++ supports more object-oriented functionality, and “wrapped” a character array into its own class in the standard library std::string
- In C, there is no way to inherently know the size of the string (since it is just an array).
- Therefore, all C strings are terminated with a special character called the null character: ‘\0’
- Without it, it’s just considered a regular ol’ array of chars.
- C++ still supports the old C-string way of doing things.
Examples of declaring C-strings
// Declare a char array capable of holding 10 elements
char s1[10];
// Declare and initialize a C-string "CS16"
char s2[10] = {'C', 'S', '1', '6', '\0'};
// Shortcut to initialize a C-string. Automatically inserts
// the null character.
char s3[10] = "CS16";
// Initialize a C-string using a pointer referencing the
// start of the char array (null character is inserted).
char* s4 = "CS16";
// Null string (just contains the null character)
char* s5 = "";
cout << s2 << endl; // CS16
cout << s3 << endl; // CS16
cout << s4 << endl; // CS16 (not a memory address!)
cout << *s4 << endl; // C (dereferences the first element
Example of indexing C-strings
- This works just like regular arrays and pointer arithmetic
cout << s2[1] << endl; // S
cout << s2 + 1 << endl; // S16 (reads until null char)
cout << *(s2 + 1) << endl; // S (same as [1])
cout << *s2 + 1 << endl; // 68 ('C' == 67, + 1 == 68)
Size of a C-string (strlen)
char s6[] = {'a', 'b', '\0'};
cout << strlen(s2) << endl; // 4
cout << strlen(s6) << endl; // 2
Example of not including the ‘\0’ character
char s7[] = {'a', 'b'};
cout << strlen(s7) << endl; // 7
cout << s7 << endl; // ab??... Undefined behavior
- Since there isn’t a null character in the C-string, the compiler doesn’t know where the string ends.
- The behavior is undefined (some compilers may handle things differently).
Example of writing our own C-string length function
int length(char* s) {
char temp = *s;
int counter = 0;
while (temp != '\0') {
cout << temp << endl;
temp = *(s + counter);
return counter;
int main() {
cout << length(s3) << endl; // 4
cout << length(s7) << endl; // undefined, no null character
C-String comparisons (strcmp)
- We need to use special functions for comparing string equality.
- Regular boolean operators (==, >, <, …) doesn’t translate to char arrays since these operators are comparing the addresses of the char array variables.
- We can use the strcmp function to check for equality for the content of two strings.
char name1[] = {'n','a','m','e','\0'};
char name2[] = {'n','a','m','e','\0'};
char name3[] = {'N','A','M','E','\0'};
if (name1 == name2) {
cout << "It's true!" << endl;
} else {
cout << "It's false!" << endl; // prints this - comparing addresses
if (strcmp(name1, name2) == 0) {
cout << "It's true!" << endl; // prints this – checks for equality
} else {
cout << "It's false!" << endl;
if (strcmp(name2, name3) == 0) {
cout << "It's true!" << endl;
} else {
cout << "It's false!" << endl; // prints this – compares ASCII values
In general, if strcmp(s1, s2) is ...
* == 0, then s1 == s2
* >= 0, then s1 >= s2
* <= 0, then s1 <= s2
C-string references
- array variables are like reference variables where you cannot reassign the variable once it has been initialized.
- The following is illegal:
char s1[] = {'a','\0'};
char s2[] = {'b','\0'};
s1 = s2; // ERROR!
- So can we change a string once they’re created?
- Yes! C-strings are mutable.
s1[0] = 'Z';
cout << s1 << endl; // Z
- strcpy allows us to copy contents of a C-string
strcpy(s1, "Z");
cout << s1 << endl; // Z. s1 is replaced with 'Z','\0'
// anything after '\0' doesn't matter.
- and if the array is not big enough…
char s1[10] = {'a','\0'};
strcpy(s1, "this is a long string");
cout << s1 << endl; // undefined behavior, could overflow contents of memory
C-string concatenation example
char s1[20] = "abc";
char s2[] = "123";
strcat(s1, ", it's as easy as ");
strcat(s1, s2);
cout << s1 << endl; // "abc, it's as easy as 123"
cout << s2 << endl; // "123"
- So what’s the point of learning this legacy C-string stuff? Doesn’t C++ have its own way of handling strings?
- Yes. Under-the-hood, C++ strings are character arrays, but do not rely on the null character to know when the end of the string occurs.
- C++ strings have additional information keeping track of this (for example, it’s size, capacity, …).
- When writing C++, you should generally always use C++ strings instead of C-strings
- but there are some C libraries where you MUST use C-strings. So it’s important to know how this works.
C++ Strings
To see what functionality can be used with C++ strings, see
- std::string is part of the standard library (hence belonging to the std:: namespace).
- Because the character array is on the heap, the pointer referencing this array is always of constant size:
Example illustrating (the same) string size
string s1 = "";
cout << sizeof(s1) << endl;
string s2 = "abcd";
cout << sizeof(s2) << endl;
string s3 = "abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd";
cout << sizeof(s3) << endl;
Concatenation example
- We can concatenate C++ strings using the ‘+’ operator.
string name = "Chris";
name += " Gaucho"; // + concatenates characters to a string
string name2 = "Chris Gaucho";
if (name == name2) // Checks for equivalent characters
cout << "The names are equal." << endl; // prints this
cout << "The names are not equal." << endl;
- Like C-strings, C++ strings are mutable, i.e. the memory location of a string can be changed after initialization.
- In other languages (such as Python / Java), strings are considered to be immutable.
- Other languages may use “==” to compare address equality.
- String objects contain other methods such as .length(), [], .at(), .empty(), .substr() …
Examples of using C++ strings
string x = "Hello there";
cout << x.length() << endl; // or .size()
cout << x[1] << endl;
cout << << endl;
string y = "";
if (y.empty())
cout << "The string " << y << " is empty" << endl; // prints this
cout << "The string " << y << " is not empty" << endl;
y += "Hi";
if (y.empty())
cout << "The string " << y << " is empty" << endl;
cout << "The string " << y << " is not empty" << endl; // prints this
cout << x.substr(1,3) << endl; // returns a string starting at index 1 of the
// character array and returns 3 characters (as
// defined in the substr parameters).Returns "ell"
cout << x.substr(1,100) << endl; // “ello there” (OK to read more characters than the
// string contents. Will return the entire string.)
cout << x.substr(100,5) << endl; // ERROR
// isalpha
// returns true if the character is in the alphabet, false otherwise.
cout << isalpha('A') << endl; // 1
cout << isalpha('j') << endl; // 1
cout << isalpha(' ') << endl; // 0
cout << isalpha('&') << endl; // 0
cout << isalpha('-') << endl; // 0
// erase
string s = "CS16";
s.erase(1,2); // removes 2 characters starting at index 1
cout << s << endl; // C6
s = "CS16";
s.erase(4,1); // removes 1 characters starting at index 4
cout << s << endl; // CS16
s = "CS16";
s.erase(0,3); // removes 3 characters starting at index 0
cout << s << endl; // 6
// tolower
// returns the lower-case ASCII representation of a character
cout << tolower('A') << endl; // 97 == 'a'
cout << tolower('c') << endl; // 99 == 'c'
cout << tolower('%') << endl; // 37 == '%'
// toupper
// returns the upper-case ASCII representation of a character
// find
// returns the index of the 1st occurrence of a character in the string.
// returns string::npos if it doesn't exist.
// Note: string::npos == -1 when converted to an int type
s = "CS1616";
cout << s.find('c') << endl; // 18446744073709551615 (unsigned int type)
cout << (int) s.find('c') << endl; // -1
cout << s.find('S') << endl; // 1
cout << s.find('6') << endl; // 3 (1st occurrence)